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On my fourth day of maternity leave, I got bored. So I created this blog to reflect on the changes in my self and my life that my pregnancy has brought so far, as well as hopefully fill some days.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week End Review

Today is officially one week since we started our sleep training adventure (well, technically tonight), so I thought I'd overview how things went:


We had another couple nights of sleeping straight through, and last night she fussed at 5am for maybe 5 minutes and went back to sleep without being checked on. Her nighttime going to sleep is virtually tearless (she cries for like three seconds, turns over and sleeps), ditto with her morning nap. Her afternoons are still a little rough (two failed nap attempts yesterday, but a good 2.5 hour morning nap), but she's learning!

I reeeeeallllly like having my nights back. And my bed back! It's a little difficult to get up earlier (I'm one of those people who require quite a bit of sleep), but it's an okay trade off. I have to admit though, I do miss the closeness of having her nap on me, getting to watch her sleep, cuddling with that tiny creature. Just means I have to make more of the awake time!  I'd call the training phase over, now we're onto the "this is just how things are" phase. Hooray!

In other news: did her Upper GI test on Wednesday at Children's Hospital. After waiting around for 45 minutes, they came and told me the Dr would be "occupied" for the next hour (lunch break?!) so to come back. She hadn't eaten at that point for almost 4 hours! :( Luckily she slept in the stroller for most of the time we were waiting around.

Finally got into the exam room and it wasn't as traumatic as I thought. They had the cutest little baby-sized hospital gowns, put her on a table and lowered the live x-ray over her. They turned her on her side and got her to drink some barium and sugar water (gross) and watched it go down, then watched it drain from her stomach. They then got her to drink some on her back. I got to watch the monitor too (it was right next to the bed) which was pretty nifty. There were two women with the Dr whose job it was to distract the baby (fun job!).

The conclusion was that everything is anatomically normal: no issues with her stomach (her dad has a hiatal hernia), nothing wrong with her colon, and she swallows just fine. He definitely saw reflux (the barium went back up before it went down), but nothing serious. Yay! She drank the barium like a champ, only panicked slightly when the machine was raised up and down, and didn't cry at all :)

So that's that. Friday now, an eventful week. My dad's in town visiting, it's a long weekend, and we might even have a nice day or two coming up. Huzzah!

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