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On my fourth day of maternity leave, I got bored. So I created this blog to reflect on the changes in my self and my life that my pregnancy has brought so far, as well as hopefully fill some days.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Night #1 = WIN

We did it. We survived Night #1 of sleep training.

Here's the breakdown of the night: we started bedtime later than usual. Ferber recommends putting the child to bed at the latest point they fall asleep (so even if bedtime is 7, if she doesn't usually fall asleep til 8, start it at 8). I was waiting for Josh to get home from work (I know I couldn't have done it on my own) so it was even later than I had wanted, but it assured she was good and tired (but surprisingly not overtired). Fed her at 8. Bath just before 9, some songs on the floor, dad walked in right before I started books, so he joined us for stories. Then into bed she went!

She didn't start crying right away, she lay quietly for about 5 minutes, then started whimpering. Night 1 check-ins are as follows: after 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, then it maxes out at 10. We didn't even make the 7 minute check-in. She was asleep after only two check ins! Asleep by 9:50.

First wake-up was around 2:20am. I had told myself that I wasn't going to cut out her nighttime feedings cold turkey, so I fed her at this waking. 10 minutes later, put her into bed still awake. The night is a bit of a haze so I can't remember if I did no check-ins or just one, but regardless of the specifics, it was quick! Minimal crying, out like a light.

Second wake-up was shortly after 5am. The book had mentioned that a wake up around 5 or 6 rarely results in them going back to sleep, so to just get them up for the day then. But my child is a bit of a late riser, and we went to bed super late, so I was fairly certain I could get her back to sleep. I had to fight every urge in my body not to just pull her into bed with me, but we did it. Once again, didn't even make it to the 7 minute check-in!

However this time was kind of weird. I was concerned about the 5am wake up, because she often has a period at night between 5 and 6 that she's awake in bed, so even though she wasn't crying, I went in to check on her after about 10 minutes anyways. Sure enough, she was awake! Just lying there, legs splayed in little froggy pose, just staring at her mobile. I left her, and checked again in another 10 minutes. Still awake. This time she noticed me, head snapped in my direction, but I snuck out and she didn't utter a peep. I didn't check again after that, so I have no idea when she actually fell asleep.

She was up for the day at 7:30, which really isn't too bad (we're usually up around 8 anyways). Breast fed, solids, playtime. I was holding her and she seemed to be reaching for my breast, so I fed her again around 9, at which point she started to get dozy, so I took her to her bedroom, turned her music on, and popped her into bed. She whimpered when I first put her in, but I said goodnight, kissed her on the forehead, and left. Not a single tear was shed, and like magic, she was asleep.

I'm currently sitting here in slight disbelief at how easy naptime was. This is what I was fearing the most, as my sister has had all kinds of trouble with naps (even though nighttime sleep training went well). It was likely mostly because she was exhausted from the less than usual sleep last night, but still. I'll take victories wherever I can get them!

As a side note, Ezri had her 6 month Dr's appointment. Only one needle this time! Her doctor is fairly sure she has reflux though, as her spitting up as gotten worse, rather than better, over the last couple months. Given Josh's medical history (all kinds of gastrointestinal issues) he's ordered an upper GI test for her to make sure she doesn't have any breathing or swallowing obstructions. He asked me if she seemed otherwise happy, to wich I said yes (that's just what you say, right? How are you? I'm fine. You don't really think about it), which is kinda not true. She's pretty fussy overall, though I suppose not unhappy. But fussiness is a symptom of reflux. He didn't prescribe anything, but we'll assess things futher at her follow up.

So that's that. Sleep training started, not nearly as scary as I though it'd be. I'm definitely glad to have chosen the Ferber Method rather than the full on cry-it-out. Fingers crossed tonight goes as well!!

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