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On my fourth day of maternity leave, I got bored. So I created this blog to reflect on the changes in my self and my life that my pregnancy has brought so far, as well as hopefully fill some days.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Transition Into The New (Years)

So it's New Years tonight. I guess I'm supposed to reflect on 2010, make plans or express hopes for 2011. I've never really done that before, never felt a real connection with the over excitement about this calendar event. Thinking about the changes that lay ahead in the year to come, this feels different somehow.

This past year has seen the momentous decision to have a baby. It has also seen the death of my grandfather, two stressful moves in one month, a job change, and a hell of a lot of fear and uncertainty.

2011 will be the year I become a mom. Can't get much more eventful than that. 2011 will see the most rapid development of any year of my child's life, and it will arguably be the year of the steepest learning curve of mine. These are certainties.

What I hope for 2011 is that I will further adjust to my new life, my new role. I hope that I can continue to grow as a person. I hope that I will continue to do all my can to foster the love and stability needed to maintain my most important relationships, including the love of my life, my family, and my friends. I hope that I can start my daughter's life out in the best way possible.

With hopes come fears, and I sure have a lot of them for 2011, it seems. But for now I'll leave those and focus on the positive. That is how I plan to survive.

Happy New Years, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. After going the first year with Kylie, it seems like all the learning to be done will start happening after your daughter turns 8 months or so. Before that, it was learning to distinguish her cries between: tired, hungry, want attention. Now, it's trying to figure out how to teach her no/stop (biting our legs, biting my leather chair, wanting to grab a dirty diaper, etc), and being patient as she discovers her abilities to move (aka lots of falling down and hitting her head).

    I am confident that you are going to be a wonderful mother, and I can't wait until I can see her.
