About Me

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On my fourth day of maternity leave, I got bored. So I created this blog to reflect on the changes in my self and my life that my pregnancy has brought so far, as well as hopefully fill some days.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

1: The Number of Posts I've Done

I've done it. My boredom has finally given into the easy narcissism of blogging. I have no idea what this blog will ultimately be, or even if I'll stick with it, but it seemed a way to kill time and engage in some cataloguing of sorts.

Here are some numbers...
4: The number of days I've been off of work.
33: The number of weeks pregnant I am.
26: The number of years old I am.
2: The number of black cats I have living in my apartment with me.

So the theory goes, over the next seven (or so) weeks of my pregnancy, I'll attempt to reflect (and likely over-analyze) on what things have been like for me so far, project (and likely obsess) over what motherhood will be like, and perhaps, along the way, ramble about some other stuff.

I think I'll keep it to a short first post. I haven't written much since I finished university two years ago. I'm hoping that the creative and self-analytical tendencies of my Anthropology degree will come flowing back to me, allowing me to string together sentences worthy of reading. After mulling over what I have just done ("You're blogging now?!"), I'll be sure to paint a picture next time of me and my history as I see it.


  1. welcome to the land of easy narcissism! I look forward to reading :)

  2. I look forward to reading too!
    Did I tell you I was 22wks pregnant?

    Je pense que le blog est une excellente façon de tuer le temps!

    à bientôt sexy mama
