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On my fourth day of maternity leave, I got bored. So I created this blog to reflect on the changes in my self and my life that my pregnancy has brought so far, as well as hopefully fill some days.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Screams and Star Wars

Ezri's new thing is screaming. Shrieking, in fact. She screams when she's happy, she screams when she's upset, it's brutal. It's not like she's a 3 year old that you can talk to, ask to stop, or discipline. She's 7 months old, and all you can really do is let her shriek. It is the highest pitched and most piercing shrill cry I have ever heard.

She's "exploring sound." Ya, let's go with that.

The last couple days have been especially hard. I feel like I'm back four months ago. She's been puking a ton more, shrieking, not letting me put her down, crying the second I leave her sight, breast feeding constantly. It seems like her stomach's been giving her some trouble, but I can't figure out exactly what caused it. Maybe it's just a growth spurt, who knows.

In other news, Ezri had two important firsts. But important from different parental standpoints. Important to me: First Cracker! (Baby Mum-Mum, actually) It was her first finger food (although she tried bananas as finger food, she had less than minimal success, so I don't really count that), and she did well! Important to her father: First Star Wars! I'm rewatching the originals, and she "watched" one with me today. Josh thought it was quite momentous, demanded I take a picture of her watching (which, of course, I did).

Different perspectives, different priorities.


  1. Did the puking start after trying the cracker? Maybe her stomach is just reacting to this new food.
    When I started to give some to my Anna, I couldn't leave home without some in my bag. Crackers calm babies down!

  2. I actually think we figure it out (the cracker was after the puking picked up). I was giving her this one kind of jarred food, bananas and mangoes, and it had LEMON JUICE in it! So hard on the tummy! So we're stopped that, I've given her some Gripe Water a couple times which seemed to help, and we'll wait it out to see if it calms down.
